Monthly Archives: November 2011

A Break


It has been almost a month since my last post. Things have been crazy in my life. Kennedy has been growing like a weed and just won’t stop! She is working on getting her 7th and 8th tooth…this child wants a full set of teeth before she is one! Teething is never fun but I have to say, she is not that bad. Kennedy is a very good nature child. She is stubborn and wants what she wants but is always happy. I hope this attitude continues as she grows into a young lady. I want her outlook on life to be good and for her to be independent. She is wanting to walk and I think in the next few months, she will be walking. I also can’t believe in about a week she will 9 months old. My how time flies!

I have also been trying to plan our wedding. We are under contract for our wedding reception and I am very excited! A 12th floor view of the mountains and downtown Denver in the distance…it will be beautiful! I am currently working on our wedding website and I will share it when it is finished. This website will make things easier for RSVP and information for our guest. I love that we can have our guests RSVP and give us their meal choice!

Besides wedding planning, taking care of Kennedy, and working I have been spending time with my family! It is the holiday season (which is my FAVORITE). Christmas is my favorite holiday. I love the music, decorations, and especially lights! I love to look at all the beautiful lights and I love that Anthony’s parents decorate their house every year. I can’t wait to own a home and do the same thing! We put up our tree on Thanksgiving. That is VERY early for me but since we found out last year that Anthony is allergic to pine trees, we have a fake tree. I also worked all weekend (since I have a job in retail) for Black Friday shoppers. Not that it matters but I am anti-Black Friday shopping…i feel think you should ENJOY the time with your families. It isn’t fair for us who have to work so you can get deals. Opening at 9pm on Thursday? Ridiculous! But I do have to say that everyone I encountered was fairly pleasant and I only got yelled at once the whole weekend!

Those are the main events that have been happening the past month. I have neglected Twitter, Facebook and my fellow blogs that I visit all the time! Please forgive me as I hope things will be a little less busy! I am off to play with Kennedy, walk the dog, and finish making some Christmas presents!

Happy Holidays!!! Whatever you believe it…I wish you happy end to the year and an amazing next year!!


My Dinosaur



So I have the cutest dinosaur, well, ever! Halloween is not a time I dwell on my mom being gone. Am I sad? Yes, of course. Do I think of her? Everyday. BUT I do not sit in the corner and cry. There is NO point. So every since, I made sure Halloween was fun and now that I have Kennedy, it will always be so much fun. So this year she was too young to trick or treat (which sucks for mommy and daddy cuz that means no candy!) And I had to work so I did put her in costume and Anthony brought her out to the mall where I work.

She’s the cutest dinosaur…ever!!